
Why DevOps is a hot buzzword


What do security, scalability, reliability, longevity, and quality have in common when it comes to web-based applications or websites?
All of these things are directly affected by something few business people think about - DevOps. You may have seen it mentioned since it is getting more attention recently, in part due to the large number of web applications and functional web sites and the business-critical nature of these applications.

DevOps stands for "Developer Operations" and it encompasses all the things your developers do (or should do) that don't relate to writing code and building features.

Some simple examples of DevOps would be:

  • Keeping the servers up and running
  • Monitoring downtime of servers
  • Ensuring that deploying new features is painless, but can also be undone quickly if necessary
  • Automatically monitoring for end-user errors

Why do managers need to understand DevOps? Put simply, DevOps covers all the processes that keep your application running and...

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